Quad Bike Issues
Your support is required to tackle a problem blighting our local communities
Nottinghamshire Police in conjunction with Bassetlaw District Council and A1 Housing are working partnership under the auspices of the local Community Safety Partnership, to tackle the issue of Quad Bikes which are having a negative impact on our local communities both in the rural setting and within our towns and villages.
e.g. this problem continues to exist in and around Harworth and into those Rural Communities on East Bassetlaw.
The use of ANY machine, on land other than a road, is illegal, unless there is permission granted by the landowner first.
Any machine, which is used to access such land with permission, needs street legal insurance, if it at ANY time, it is in a public place. That CAN include, whilst being pushed, or ridden to land where there is permission granted. Off road machines often have no insurance and as a result the rider/user and owner are liable to prosecution and the machine can be seized.
Nottinghamshire Police and partners will continue to take positive action against those who offend in this manner as this topic is one which is regularly complained of.
All members of our communities are encouraged to contact their local Police team, ASB officer or Housing Officer, if they know the users of, or the locations that such machines are being used or stored, this can be done anonymously.
Once again we are urging anyone who has any information as to where the quads are being stored and/or who is riding them to report this either directly to us on the non-emergency 101 telephone number. Or if you prefer to report this anonymously you can ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
Alternatively, Nottinghamshire Police web site has a link to your local Police team
Please report any incidents to the police on 101
Facebook Page
Nottinghamshire Police now has a Facebook page for Rural East Bassetlaw. Anyone can join this page to receive updates, news bulletins and appeals. Visit it here:
Crime Prevention
For further advice regarding crime prevention; please click on the link below:
Bassetlaw Rural Police Contact Details
Contact details for the local Police can be found by accessing the following this link:
Here is a link to Notts Police where you can see what crimes have been reported in your area: https://www.nottinghamshire.police.uk/area/your-area/nottinghamshire/bassetlaw/bassetlaw-rural/about-us/crime-map